Jaw Surgery

Orthognathic Surgery

At Dental Solutions El Salvador we understand that jaw-related issues can significantly impact your oral health, functionality, and overall well-being. Whether you’re dealing with misaligned jaws, TMJ/TMD problems, or other jaw-related conditions, our jaw surgery services can help restore proper jaw function and improve your quality of life. Our skilled team of dental professionals is committed to providing exceptional care and personalized treatments to address your specific jaw concerns.

Understanding maxillofacial treatment

What Is Jaw Surgery?

Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a specialized procedure that aims to correct various abnormalities and functional issues of the jaw, including misalignment, jaw pain, difficulties with chewing or speaking, and facial asymmetry. It involves surgical interventions to reposition the upper jaw (maxilla) and/or lower jaw (mandible) to achieve proper alignment and harmony between the jaws and facial structures.

Exploring the diverse array of conditions prompting jaw surgery

Common Reasons for Jaw Surgery


Correcting Jaw Misalignment

Jaw surgery can address skeletal discrepancies, such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, or open bite, that affect the way your upper and lower jaws fit together. By repositioning the jaws, we can improve bite alignment, enhance facial aesthetics, and alleviate associated symptoms.


Enhancing Facial Harmony

If facial asymmetry or imbalances are present due to jaw abnormalities, orthognathic surgery can help achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance.


Treating TMJ/TMD Disorders

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ/TMD) can cause jaw pain, headaches, facial discomfort, and difficulty in opening or closing the mouth. Jaw surgery may be recommended to correct structural issues contributing to TMJ/TMD, providing long-term relief and improved jaw function.


Improving Breathing and Sleep Apnea

In some cases, jaw surgery may be part of the treatment plan for individuals with obstructive sleep apnea or other breathing-related issues. Repositioning the jaws can help open the airway, improving breathing and reducing sleep apnea symptoms.

Crafting Your Smile

The Jaw Surgery Process

Jaw surgery is a complex procedure that requires careful planning and collaboration between our dental team and a specialized oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The process typically involves the following steps:

Comprehensive Evaluation

Our dental team will conduct a thorough evaluation of your jaw structure, bite alignment, and overall oral health. This may involve taking dental impressions, X-rays, and other diagnostic tests to create a detailed treatment plan.

Pre-Surgical Orthodontics

In many cases, pre-surgical orthodontic treatment is necessary to align the teeth properly before jaw surgery. This step ensures that the teeth fit together correctly once the jaws are repositioned.

Surgical Intervention

The oral and maxillofacial surgeon will perform the jaw surgery, carefully repositioning the jaws to achieve the desired alignment and functional improvements. The surgery may involve making incisions inside the mouth to access the jawbones, minimizing visible scarring.

Recovery and Healing

Following the surgery, a period of healing and recovery is necessary. Our dental team will provide detailed post-operative instructions to help you manage discomfort, swelling, and promote optimal healing. You may need to follow a soft-food diet and avoid strenuous activities during this period.

Orthodontic Fine - Tuning

After the jaw surgery, additional orthodontic treatment may be required to fine-tune the bite and ensure proper alignment of the teeth.

Enhancing Facial Harmony

Unveiling the Benefits of Jaw Surgery


Improved Oral Health

Jaw surgery corrects bite discrepancies, enhancing your ability to chew, speak, and bite properly.


Enhanced Facial Aesthetics

Repositioning the jaws can improve facial symmetry, balance, and overall aesthetics, boosting your self-confidence.


Alleviation of Symptoms

Jaw surgery eases jaw misalignment, TMJ/TMD, and sleep apnea symptoms like pain, headaches, facial discomfort, and breathing issues.


Enhanced Oral Health

Correcting jaw abnormalities can improve oral hygiene, reduce the risk of dental problems, and create a healthier environment for your teeth and gums.


Long-Term Results

Jaw surgery provides long-lasting results, allowing you to enjoy improved jaw function, facial harmony, and overall quality of life for years to come.

Online Evaluation

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With extensive training and expertise in implantology, Dr. is a true master in restoring smiles through dental implants. X X precision and attention to detail guarantee optimal implant placement, providing patients with long-lasting and natural-looking results.

General Dentist


Dr. xxxxx is our experienced general dentist, providing comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages. From preventive treatments to restorative procedures, he ensures optimal oral health for his patients. Dr. gentle approach and attention to detail make dental visits comfortable and stress-free.Our team of doctors, supported by our friendly and professional staff, is committed to delivering personalized care in a welcoming environment. We stay at the forefront of dental advancements, utilizing the latest techniques and technologies to provide the highest standard of treatment.

Cosmetic Dentist


As a passionate cosmetic dentist, Dr. is dedicated to helping patients achieve their dream smiles. She offers a wide range of cosmetic treatments, including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and smile makeovers. Dr. xxxx combines artistry and technical expertise to create beautiful, harmonious smiles.

Maxillofacial Surgeon


xxxxxx is our skilled maxillofacial surgeon, specializing in complex surgical procedures of the jaw, face, and mouth. With his exceptional surgical skills and profound knowledge, he successfully performs procedures such as orthognathic surgery, TMJ disorders treatment, and facial trauma reconstruction.